designed specifically for your mission

Training and consulting are focused on realistic transnational threats with the intent to immediately improve your capability. Content is rooted in the balance between experience and scientific research. In addition to core fundamentals, additional topics can be customized for one to three days of training based on the number of students.
Our Instructor
Todd Wilber has worked for over 20 years in counterterrorism as a responder, researcher, policy writer and senior manager. He responded to various incidents at the local, national and transnational levels. His experience includes battlefield firsthand experience with improvised explosives and IEDs. He conducted research on various improved explosives and developed novel render safe procedures for IEDs as well as nuclear devices. Mr. Wilber is completing work on new, broad use desensitization solutions and techniques for powdered primary explosives. He has worked in U.S. Army special operations, additionally as a program manager and researcher at the national labs, a Senior Energy Official for real-world emergencies, and contractor for State Department leading indigenous personnel in explosive hazard mitigation during combat operations. Other duties included providing senior management direction for the overall safety, security and environmental compliance for the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center. As an adjunct professor, he worked with graduate students and faculty to characterize primary explosives and develop chemical safing solutions.